HomeBlogsAI AutomationAI for BusinessArtificial Intelligence in business: How it can transform your business?

Artificial Intelligence in business: How it can transform your business?

The day I chose to test an AI writing assistant remains fresh in my mind to this very day. One thing that overwhelmed me especially when I was a content writer was the amount of content that I was required to come up with regularly.

There were times I’d sit for hours in front of a computer screen struggling with writing. I could prepare an article for days, but, when it came down to writing, I would be hit with writer’s block. Once, a fellow blogger recommended this AI tool and I was like; “Why not? I don’t have anything to lose. I proceeded to use artificial intelligence in business.

Much to my amazement, the bot was not just a gimmick. It was, however, not about replacing my creativity; it was about enhancing it. It proposed headlines that fascinated me, my chaotic ideas to well-structured paragraphs, and ideas of which I was not aware before.

All of a sudden, writing became easy, swift, and fun for me much as a chilled drink does to the throat during a hot sunny day. The results were undeniable: I instantly saw my blog traffic rise, I was receiving numerous comments and I felt more alive to the job I was doing.



That’s when the lightbulb went off: if AI could transform how I generate content, then what about business organizations? The scenarios appeared limitless, the applications of AI seemed too many and I understood that I had to learn more about this AI-driven world.

Transforming Businesses through AI

AI is fundamentally about getting computers to be able to do what human beings do – and often better – learn from experience, understand language, perceive patterns, and make choices.

Think about how the news feeds of most social media platforms employ AI systems to select the information they think will interest you. Or consider voice-enabled personal assistants, such as Siri and Alexa, which recognize your voice and respond accordingly.

Artificial Intelligence in business is rapidly emerging as a potential game-changer. Businesses are therefore deciding to leverage AI to reduce the amount of repetitive work, thereby enabling your employees to work on others. For instance, AI chatbots based on NLP can deal with customers’ requests, and machine learning can improve the supply chain and predict maintenance requirements, for example in Amazon’s warehouses. The applications of artificial intelligence are far reaching.



Furthermore, decision-making is being transformed through artificial intelligence for business. Using big data AI can find patterns that the human brain cannot see, and decisions that companies make can be more informed and precise.

One of the best examples can be given by Netflix which employs AI to track user preferences and provide them with favorable shows that will retain their interest and boost sales of subscriptions.



However, AI is capable of providing much more than making processes faster and more personalized. It’s also fueling innovation. AI is increasingly being used from drug discovery to the development of new materials in research and development across sectors. However, creativity too is not being spared with machines known to create art and music.

The organizations that adopt this technology will be the ones that will prosper in the following years.

AI and Automation

AI-led automation is on the rise and redefining the future of work at a much faster pace than we realize. It is expected that by 2025, around 85 million jobs will be lost due to automation, on the other hand, 97 million jobs may be created which are more suitable for human and machine collaboration.

This is not only about factories and robots coming to replace workers. The application of automation technology is gradually entering all spheres of human life and activity, including the healthcare system, the financial sector, and the sphere of art. For example:

  1. Logistics: Autonomous trucks are already being piloted, set to disrupt the shipping and delivery industries.
  2. Agriculture: Fruits and vegetables are being harvested by robots, which means that productivity in a given period increases and the cost of labor is cut down.
  3. Customer Service: Most product inquiries, complaints, and comments are now being addressed by artificial intelligence-based chatbots and self-service tools with human intervention limited to more relevant and important calls.
  4. Healthcare: The robots are now performing surgery, giving out prescriptions, and even offering social interaction to the patients who need it.



The potential of people losing their jobs because of this may sound rather gloomy but automation also brings with it many possibilities. Repetitive activities can be kept for the machines, allowing the people to concentrate on creative, problem-solving, and meaningful tasks. It is going to increase the job demand for positions that involve critical thinking, problem-solving, and emotional intelligence. AI and business are going to complement each other in the near future.

So, the next time you encounter an automated system, whether it’s a self-checkout kiosk at the grocery store or a chatbot answering your questions online, remember: it is not just a question of job substitution. It is about changing the way we do things and making sure that we find ways of being productive in a world that is slowly being overrun by technology.

AI and Decision-Making

Ever feel lost when having to go through heaps of data and not know where to start sorting and analyzing it? Well, AI does not sweat at all! It sifts through vast amounts of data and produces valuable insights that leave even the experienced business analyst pondering how they arrived at it. This superpower is revolutionizing how organizational decision-making processes, whether minor or major, take place.

Just think of being able to guess your clients’ desires before they are aware of them, to see some relatively dangerous opportunities in your financial statements, or to choose the best price level that will bring the maximum profit and remain comfortable for your clients. And that is exactly the sort of magic that AI is delivering to the boardroom.

Take Target, for instance. Their algorithms, which are based on artificial intelligence, once predicted a teen girl was pregnant before her father did, all of this by analyzing her shopping pattern. Although that may draw some controversy, this example shows just how much power lies in AI to reveal concealed patterns and future decision-making. (Know More!)



It is not limited to branding alone; it is playing a significant part in day-to-day business operations such as marketing, purchasing, and even supply chain management.

AI and Customer Experience

Forget those robotic customer service reps that leave you wanting to pull your hair out. AI is flipping the script on customer experience, making it more human, more personalized, and way more fun.

Nowadays, when you’re browsing for a new pair of shoes online, instead of scrolling through endless pages of irrelevant options, a chatbot pops up. It’s like your own personal stylist, asking questions about your style, budget, and occasion, then suggesting shoes that perfectly match your needs.

AI-powered customer service is becoming smarter and more empathetic. Chatbots can now understand your emotions, adapt their responses accordingly, and even escalate complex issues to human agents seamlessly.

And if you’re worried about privacy, rest assured that AI is also making strides in protecting your data and ensuring secure transactions.

AI and Innovation

In the innovation game, AI is the wild card that’s changing the rules. Forget tedious lab work and endless trial and error. AI is like having a tireless research assistant with a turbocharged brain.

It can sift through mountains of data, spot patterns humans might miss, and even generate creative solutions we wouldn’t have dreamed of.

Take drug discovery, for instance. Instead of spending years synthesizing and testing countless compounds, AI algorithms can analyze existing data and predict which molecules are most likely to be effective against a particular disease. This can shave years off the development timeline and bring life-saving treatments to patients faster.

But AI’s creative spark doesn’t stop at medicine. It’s composing original music, designing cutting-edge fashion, and even crafting marketing campaigns that resonate with consumers on a deeper level.  Who knows, the next viral TikTok dance might be choreographed by an algorithm!

The bottom line? The companies that embrace AI as a tool for innovation will be the ones leading the charge in the years to come.

Whatever you are studying right now, if you are not getting up to speed on deep learning, neural networks, etc., you lose. We are going through the process where software will automate software, automation will automate automation.

-Mark Cuban

Other Use Cases of AI

Besides being at the forefront of innovation and providing amazing customer experiences in the business realm, AI automation has other use cases too. Some of them are:

1. Recruitment and HR

There are a large number of activities and paperwork in recruitment and HR processes, which allows automation in this sphere. HR activities like employee recruitment and selection, advertising for jobs, clearing pre-screening criteria, and any other compliance issues on new employees, timesheets, exit interviews, and performance appraisals could enhance automation benefits. This not only helps save time, but frees up HR teams to concentrate on business-critical processes such as employee training, cultural change initiatives, and wellness programs.

2. Invoice processing

If too many invoices are managed manually, they can be inaccurate and time-consuming at the same time. Through Business Process Automation, the workflow of invoices can be automatically processed so that payments are made on time to the vendors without misfiling or incorrect entries. It enables the accounts team to focus on key activities like budget choices and estimates which in turn increases organizational efficiency.

3. Sales and marketing

Sales and marketing are areas that are most impacted by AI automation solutions enhancing resource management, sales estimates, and clerical work among others. In sales, automation helps to respond quickly to potential customers with prices and also approval on prices and offers. In marketing, AI automation is useful in email marketing, managing leads, and effectively nurturing the leads to capture them. This makes AI automation cost-effective and achieves business goals.

4. Finance and Accounting

There are advanced expense management systems with AI technology that can handle everything from receipt submission to reimbursement. In many organizations these systems are used in the same way as recognition systems, using past data to predict expenditure patterns and identify possible discrepancies or fraud. This not only shortens the time which is taken to make a reimbursement and to collect the money from the clients but also improves the probability of checking the accounts and minimizing the chances of fraud.

5. IT and cybersecurity

AI systems consistently monitor the load on the network, records of activities, and historical data to find patterns associated with cybersecurity threats. This comprises of identifying real-time threats, intrusions, or any suspicious activity to enable the organization to contain threats as they occur.

6. Legal

AI is highly valuable for legal work because it can quickly analyze legal contracts for specific terms and clauses, as well as any problems that may exist. It can mark concerns, errors, or violations so that legal teams can concentrate on key aspects and make appropriate decisions decreasing the likelihood of omitting something and increasing the likelihood of accurate, thorough contract analysis.

Challenges and Considerations

While the progress towards an AI-driven society seems inevitable, it may be helpful to pause for a moment and think about possible obstacles. The growth of Artificial Intelligence has taken a very big turn in the last decade, and as a result, it has created some serious ethical issues and challenges in society.

  1. Bias in Algorithms: As in humans, bias can be passed down from data set to AI. This often results in prejudice, particularly in aspects such as employment, credit, and even justice systems. It is crucial to prevent AI systems from furthering existing injustices by using a dataset that has a balanced representation of people from all communities.
  2. Data Privacy: AI loves data, and the data it is fed often contains personal data, which is often private. While training the AI systems, we must not forget the privacy laws that govern the rights of individual persons. This is why it is critical that data protection laws are strong and that there are clear and accurate data handling practices in place.
  3. AI Hallucinations: AI is not without its flaws. It can, at times, ‘hallucinate,’ meaning it can produce outputs that are not meaningful or fabricating. This can give rise to serious implications where accuracy is paramount such as in the health, financial, or legal sector. Strict processes, which can help in detecting and preventing AI hallucinations, should be established to increase the safety of relevant AI systems. Learn more about AI hallucination here.


An unsettling and weird image created by an AI System

Overcoming the Challenges

To overcome the challenges and considerations outlined in the previous section, it is crucial to adopt a balanced approach that grounds AI in real-world data and involves human oversight.

Grounding AI in Real World Data

Grounding AI in real-world data is a crucial strategy for overcoming the challenges and considerations associated with the growth of Artificial Intelligence. By anchoring AI systems in concrete, tangible information, we can mitigate the risks of bias, data privacy breaches, job displacement, and AI hallucinations. Know more about Grounding AI here.


Maintaining a human in the loop approach, where critical decisions made by AI systems are reviewed and validated by human experts is a crucial approach. This ensures that AI outputs are accurate, meaningful, and aligned with human values and ethical principles. Know more about the Human in the Loop approach here.


Look, I’ve seen firsthand how AI has supercharged my content writing career. If AI can do that for a humble content writer like me, imagine what it can do for your business. Whether you’re a mom-and-pop shop or a Fortune 500 company, AI is the secret sauce that will set you apart from the competition.

Start small, and experiment with AI-powered tools that align with your business goals. Maybe it’s a chatbot to handle customer inquiries, an algorithm to optimize your inventory, or a data analytics tool to uncover hidden insights. There are tons of resources out there to help you get started, from online courses to consultants who specialize in AI for business.

And do not forget that AI is not our enemy that wants to take our jobs but it is here to help us. When utilized responsibly and with proper regard to the ethical aspect, AI has the potential to generate a future that is beneficial for companies, employees, and customers. So let us become curious, let us be creative, and let us harness AI for the good of the world, one bit at a time.

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