HomeBlogsAI HallucinationsGrounding AIEliminating AI Hallucination with Grounding AI and Contextual Awareness

Eliminating AI Hallucination with Grounding AI and Contextual Awareness

Artificial intelligence or AI has become almost ubiquitous in society and the economy. It is being used in everything ranging from chatbots and virtual assistants to self-driving cars. On the upside, the generative AI models have made remarkable performance, but, on the downside, they are still prone to generate AI Hallucinations. 

AI hallucination occurs when AI gives outputs that are meaningless, non-relevant, or factually inaccurate. AI hallucination leads to erosion of people’s confidence in using AI solutions. This may limit the technologies’ adoption across industries.

A two-pronged approach of grounding AI and contextual awareness has come up as the solution to this problem. Grounding AI is the process of rooting real-world data and knowledge into AI models. It helps minimize instances of AI models coming up with weird suggestions or fabricated facts. 

Contextual awareness allows an AI model to interpret situations appropriately and adapt to the nuances of those situations.

When integrated, these strategies can set the foundation for more dependable, precise, and situational AI applications. In this blog, we will understand more about Grounding AI and Contextual awareness. 

We will also understand how you can minimize AI hallucination with the integration of both strategies, helping your business make better decisions. 

What is AI Hallucination? 

AI hallucination is where an AI model creates outputs that are erroneous, absurd, or unrelated to the user input. This occurs because AI models are trained on large sets of data, and there are instances when the models will make certain correlations or assumptions that are untrue in real-world scenarios.

For example, Grocery tech company Instacart recently created an AI-powered tool to generate images of food, but the attempt landed the company in trouble. The problem? These “pictures” were less than appealing; the hot dog slices looked like tomatoes and the chickens were shaped abnormally. This AI power food fantasy even generated headlines such as “Please don’t make me eat this terrifying AI-generated food”. (Know more)

On the other hand, an AI-powered meal planning application of the supermarket chain, PAK’nSAVE in New Zealand advised the users on how to prepare a meal that would produce chlorine gas. Thankfully, no customers were harmed, but it’s a stark reminder that AI can hallucinate raising ethical and safety concerns. (Know more)

Grounding AI

Want to know more about what are Grounding and Hallucinations in AI? (Click Here)

Understanding Grounding in AI and Contextual Awareness

Grounding and Contextual awareness are the optimal solutions for eliminating Hallucinations in AI. Lets understand what makes them ideal for training hallucination-free AI. 

AI Grounding

We can define Grounding AI as a process of connecting an AI model to actual, real-world data of a particular context. This is achieved through techniques like:

  • Knowledge Base Integration: Improving the AI models by syncing with external knowledge databases like encyclopedias, databases, or resources related to the specific domain.
  • Data Augmentation: Introducing additional real-world scenario-based information to the existing training data to enrich the facts and relationships’ perception by the model.
  • Fact Verification: Incorporating feedback methods to assess the suitability and credibility of the response provided by the AI interface.
  • Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback: Carrying out AI reinforcement learning in a way that the AI model trains from human feedback. This improves the AI’s capacity to identify between correct and incorrect responses.

Grounding AI is an essential component of Bionic AI to minimize hallucination. Request a Demo Now!

Contextual Awareness in AI

The idea of contextual awareness means equipping the AI model with the ability to recognize the context of a given environment. This includes:

  • Natural Language Understanding (NLU): To allow AI to understand the broader semantic context in which the natural language is used. This can include ambiguity, sarcasm, and cultural references.
  • User Modeling: Developing a user profile based on their activities and interests to ensure tailored answers and interactions.
  • Environmental Awareness: Knowing the physical or virtual conditions within which the AI exists or will be functioning (for instance, location, time, and other agents).
  • Multimodal Input: Analyzing text, images, and other data to obtain a better understanding of the context in which the information was produced.

How Do Contextual Awareness and  Grounding AI Complement Each Other?

Contextual awareness and grounding AI in large language models are complementary strategies that work together toward AI output’s credibility and precision. The need for grounding AI makes the AI model outputs realistic and accurate. 

Contextual awareness enables the level of knowledge that the model uses in any given situation to be realistic. 

This combination ensures that when the AI comes up with a response, it is not only providing accurate information but also information relevant to the context. This decreases the possibility of developing AI hallucinations.

Why Contextual Awareness and AI Grounding is Important for Your Business?

The integration of contextual awareness and grounding AI is not only a technical process; it is a strategic one. It can make a significant difference in the competitive strategy of your business as well as in customer communication. Here’s how:

Elevated Customer Experiences:

  • Hyper-Personalized Interactions: Based on customer behavior, context-aware AI can work with terabytes of data such as past purchase histories, previous clicks, age, gender, and even mood. Grounded AI gives reliable output providing specifics in terms of recommendations, products that can be sold to consumers, and marketing strategies to be adopted.
  • Intelligent Customer Support: Human-like chatbots and assistants based on grounded and contextually aware AI can interpret customers’ questions in a more nuanced manner. Grounding in AI can offer precise answers, filter out unnecessary questions, and hand off difficult tasks to live agents without interruption. This leads to shorter times to resolve issues and thus higher satisfaction among the customers.

Enhanced Decision-Making and Business Insights:

  • Data-Driven Decisions: The grounding in AI models make them capable of facilitating and processing big data from different sources. With reliable and real-world outputs, businesses can reveal unknown relationships, trends, or patterns that could help in strategic management. This includes resource planning, stock control, and market predictions.
  • Risk Mitigation: In industries like finance and healthcare, relying on an ungrounded AI model can have damaging consequences. When built from factual data, AI models can serve as a basis for predicting certain risks and deviations. This can help you avoid costly mistakes and non-compliance with the legal framework.

Operational Efficiency and Cost Savings:

  • Automation of Repetitive Tasks: The concept of intelligent contextual awareness can facilitate the automation of administrative and time-consuming tasks in organizations, across different departments. As a result, the time of valuable employees’ time is devoted to more complex responsibilities. This not only increases the efficiency of the production line but also decreases the cost of operation.
  • Streamlined Processes: By incorporating grounded AI into the work process, AI can map the workflow, analyze the processes, and suggest changes or adjustments to minimize delay. This results in improved efficiency and minimized wastage.

Building Trust and Brand Reputation:

  • Reliable and Accurate Information: Customers and stakeholders of your business interact with your AI systems, and they expect truth, facts, and data from them. Grounding in AI reduces the likelihood of giving out wrong information and hallucinations which will help establish trust in your brand.
  • Transparent Communication: Contextually aware AI is capable of explaining its thought process, as well as the sources used for information, which can enhance accountability. This also sets a strong signal to the users to trust you and your brand and ensures that ethical AI practices are being followed.
  • Competitive Advantage: Companies that adopt grounded and contextually aware AI stand out as industry pioneers. This creates a competitive advantage by being able to attract talented employees and customers and increases long-term cooperation.

Techniques for Grounding AI and Implementing Contextual Awareness

Building grounded and contextually aware AI systems requires a multi-faceted approach that encompasses data, technology, and human expertise.

  1. Invest in High-Quality Training Data: The greatest asset or strength of any AI model is the data set it is trained on. Be sure that your datasets have high volume, but also massive variability, including different scenarios, languages, and cultural settings. It is better to use both structured data like databases, and unstructured data like text on the web for a deeper understanding of the world.
  2. Leverage External Knowledge Bases: By linking it to reliable knowledge sources such as Wikipedia, specialized databases, or resources for a particular industry, you provide your AI system with access to many facts. This makes it easier to give responses that are grounded in real facts and can also prevent AI hallucinations.
  3. Incorporate Fact-Checking Mechanisms: Appropriate fact-checking mechanisms should also be integrated to help the AI system work in real-time to minimize AI hallucinations. These mechanisms can compare the data with some external sources or internal databases to identify possible errors or undetected contradictions. 
  4. Employ a Human-in-the-Loop Approach: User modeling is useful, but incorporating humans into a loop feedback mechanism is much more effective. This can be achieved using approaches like Active Learning where AI outputs are checked and corrected by humans. This also includes involving human oversight that helps minimize AI hallucination. This enhances the capabilities of the AI in reasoning through contexts. It also makes it possible to have some form of check and balance in the system to prevent AI hallucinations.
  5. Utilize Multimodal Input: The inclusion of context in the form of images and audio together with the textual data would greatly enhance the performance of an AI model. For example, a virtual assistant that can process images can better understand a user’s request for information about a specific object or scene.

Grounding AI

(Image Courtesy: https://cloud.google.com/vertex-ai/generative-ai/docs/grounding/overview)

Addressing Challenges of Grounding AI and Contextual Awareness through Bionic AI

The inability of traditional AI models to account for real-world subtlety and context has been an issue for quite some time. Bionic AI, combining AI capability with human oversight, revolutionizes the use of AI.

Bionic AI uses a combination of AI reinforcement learning and reduction of bias to enable optimal performance even in multiple-tier cognitive situations. Bionic AI is updated with real world data and incorporating human intervention helps avoid overfitting, which is a common problem in most AI models.

Bionic AI solves the problem of contextual misinterpretation by incorporating essential human control and using sound methods of grounding. By involving the human in the loop, the AI system gets the right and well-adapted information which can change the business process outsourcing industry by aligning AI with real world applications.

Bionic AI is highly robust too because it can learn from changing human feedback and does not produce any AI hallucinations. This combination of AI with human supervision minimizes those negative effects, which are inherent in the application of traditional AI solutions. Bionic AI helps improve customer satisfaction. 

The solutions that Bionic AI offers are accurate, relevant, as well as aware of the contextual environment in which it is being utilized. Bionic AI has the potential to revamp task outsourcing in different industries.


AI hallucinations remain a major problem that hinders the integration of AI solutions in various industries. Making AI more realistic and incorporating context into its operation can effectively address this problem. 

Such methods can be useful to improve the reliability and context relevance of AI systems. It includes optimized knowledge base integration, fact-checking mechanisms, or incorporation of human input. This not only benefits the customers but also benefits organizations through making better decisions, reducing operational costs, and increasing confidence in AI technology. 

Bionic AI integrates the capability of AI and human supervision. With consolidated integration of AI grounding and contextual awareness, Bionic AI provides accurate AI outputs, thus enhancing your customer’s experience.

Ready to revolutionize your business with AI that’s both intelligent and reliable? Explore how Bionic can transform your operations by combining AI with human expertise. Take the first step towards a more efficient, trustworthy, and ‘humanly’ AI. Request a demo now!